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导师简介:Moud Mahdi
2024-03-15 09:27     (阅读:)


Moud Mahdi管理科学与工程博士,副教授

电子邮件: Moudi@cuit.edu.cn


· 使用优化技术的水管理(动态双层规划模型/多目标规划模型)

· 生命周期评价(LCA)的优化

· 线性回归分析


Ministry of Science and Technology of China 科技部关 (2023年度国家外国专家)





Mahdi, M., Xueqian, S., Gai, Q., Basirialmahjough, M., & Yuan, H. (2023). Improving robustness of water supply system using a multi-objective robust optimization framework. Environmental Research, 116270.

Moudi, M., Galoie, M., Yuan, H., Motamedi, A., Huang, P., & Shafi, M. (2021). Dynamic multi-objective programming model for improving consumer satisfaction within water supply system under uncertain environment. Journal

of Environmental Management, 293, 112897.

Moudi, M., Galoie, M., He, Y., Hong, X., Shafi, M., & Motamedi, A. (2023). SWAT based Bi-objective framework for improving the degree of consumer satisfaction in urban water allocation system under streamflow uncertainty. Journal of Hydro-environment Research.

Moudi, M., Xu, Z., Yao, L., & Yuan, H. (2020). Dynamic Optimization Model for Improving Urban Water Supply System Fragility with Uncertain Streamflow. Water Resources Management, 1-13. DOI:


Moudi, M., Gai, Q., Yuan, H., Guiqing, L., Basirialmahjough, M., Motamedi, A., & Galoie, M. (2023). A novel objective for improving the sustainability of water supply system regarding hydrological response. Plos one, 18(11), e0294578.

Xu, H, Mahdi, Ba, Yuan, H, Moud, M*. (2022) Investigation of Drought Risk Using a Dynamic Optimization Framework in Regional Water Allocation Procedure With Different Streamflow Scenarios. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10965. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.813239

He, Y., Mahdi, M*., Huang, P., Xie, G., Galoie, M., & Shafi, M. (2021). Investigation of Climate Change Adaptation

Impacts on Optimization of Water Allocation Using a Coupled SWAT-bi Level Programming Model. Wetlands, 41(3), 1-


Shafi, M., Junrong, L., Yang, Y., Jian, D., Rahman, I. U., & Moudi, M. (2021). Factors influencing the consumer acceptance of innovation in handicraft products. SAGE Open, 11(4), 21582440211061528.

Yao, L. , Xu, Z. , Moudi, M*. , & Li, Z. . (2018). Optimal water allocation in iran: a dynamic bi-level programming model. Water Science & Technology Water Supply. DOI: 10.2166/ws.2018.165

Moudi, M., Yan, S., Bahramimianrood, B., Li, X., & Yao, L. (2018). Statistical model for earthquake economic loss estimation using GDP and DPI: a case study from Iran. Quality & Quantity, 1-16. DOI:


Peng, Z., Yao, L., Chen, X., & Moudi, M. (2021, August). Water Quality and Economic Growth in the Yellow

River Basin: An Empirical Study Based on the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) and Night Lights. In International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (pp. 249-260). Springer, Cham.

Galoie, M., Motamedi, A., Fan, J., & Moudi, M. (2023). Prediction of water quality under the impacts of fine dust and sand storm events using an experimental model and multivariate regression analysis. Environmental Pollution, 122462.

Galoie, M., Motamedi, A., Fan, J., & Moudi, M. (2023). Experimental assessment of the impact of fine dust and sand storm on the physico-chemical quality of drinking water. Natural Hazards, 1-17.

Xu, Z., Yao, L., Zhou, X., Moudi, M., & Zhang, L. (2019). Optimal irrigation for sustainable development considering water rights transaction: A Stackelberg-Nash-Cournot equilibrium model. Journal of Hydrology, 575, 628-637. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.05.063

Hu, Z., Yan, S., Yao, L., & Moudi, M. (2018). Efficiency evaluation with feedback for regional water use and wastewater treatment. Journal of Hydrology, 562, 703-711. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.05.032

Liu, T., Mahdi, M., & Yao, L. (2017, July). Life Cycle Assessment of Waste Mobile Phone Recycling–A Case Study in China. In International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (pp. 1351-1360). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59280-0 113

Yao, L., Liu, T., Chen, X., Mahdi, M., & Ni, J. (2018). An integrated method of life-cycle assessment and system dynamics for waste mobile phone management and recycling in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 187, 852862. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.03.195.


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