杨渃(1988.11 - ),365体育旅游与市场系讲师,四川大学博士,国际创意管理专委会委员。
1 参与 国家社科基金重点项目“推动文化产业成为国民经济支柱产业研究”
2 参与 四川省文化厅项目“2016年四川省演出市场发展报告”
1. Yang, Y., Yang, R., Song, X., & Tang, Y. (2021). How Does Music-Message Congruency in Online Video Advertisements Enhance Consumers’ Behavior Intentions? A Serial Multiple Mediator Model. IEEE Access, 9, 94548–94556. (SCI)
2. Yang, R., Yang, Y., Song, X., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Which advertising music do people love? A qualitative study based on online video advertising. Social behavior and personality(SSCI)
3. Yang, R., Yang, Y., Shafi, M., & Song, X. (2019). Do Customers Really Get Tired of Double Eleven Global Carnival? An Exploration of Negative Influences on Consumer Attitudes toward Online Shopping Website. In International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (pp. 189–200). (EI)
4. Song, X., Yang, Y., Yang, R., & Shafi, M. (2019). Keeping Watch on Intangible Cultural Heritage: Live Transmission and Sustainable Development of Chinese Lacquer Art. Sustainability,11(14), 3868. (SSCI)
5. 宋小婷, 杨永忠, 杨渃, & Shafi, M. . (2018). 高新技术企业中变革型领导行为对员工创造力的作用机理——基于员工成就导向的中介模型. 技术经济, 37(10),(北核)
6. Song X., Yang Y., Yang R. (2017). What does the public privatepartnership model bring to the culture Industry ? International Conference on Public Administration. Vol.II.505-510 (CPCI-SSH)
7. Yang, Y., Shafi, M., Song, X., & Yang, R. (2018). Preservation of cultural heritage embodied in traditional crafts in the developing countries. A case study of pakistani handicraft industry. Sustainability, 10(5),1336. (SSCI)
8. Zhang Y, Yang Y, Tang Y & Yang, R. (2021). The influence of aesthetic design of consumption space on content-posting intention on social media: The moderating role of aesthetic perceptual ability. In International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (EI)
9. Yang Y, Tang Y, Zhang Y & Yang R (2021) Exploring the Relationship Between Visual Aesthetics and Social Commerce Intention Through Visual. Information Adoption Unimodel. Frontiers in Psychology(SSCI)
10. Yu Zhang, Yongzhong Yang, Ruo Yang and Yunyan Tang. (2022) The impact of “offline” aesthetic design on “online” photo-posting intention: A moderated-mediation model. Social behavior and personality.(SSCI)